All Round 6 Chess Media Files, are on playchess
server. Therefore, you may watch and stream them without downloading
such as big size files. please read following explanation.
FIDE Media Team
Multimedia Commentary on Playchess
Currently FIDE and Global Chess are producing live wrap-up commentary of the
games of the Grand Prix in Baku. This is done using the Chess Media System developed
by ChessBase, which allows the annotator to move the pieces, draw coloured arrows
or highlight squares while he or she is speaking. In Baku grandmaster (and FIDE
Vice President) Zurab Azmaiparashvili is commenting on the games.
To watch the audio-video chess commentary you should log into the Playchess
server. You can do this with many ChessBase products: Fritz, Shredder, Hiarcs,
ChessBase 9.0, etc. If you have none of these you can download ChessBase Light
using the link given above. Even if you do not have an account on Playchess
you can use this program to log in as a "Guest".

On Playchess you should go into the area reserved for Audio/Video Training
on Demand, where there is a special room for FIDE and the Grand Prix tournaments.
Click on this to enter the room.
The FIDE Grand Prix room displays the Grand Prix web site when you enter the
Click on the tab "Games" on the top left to get a list of the files
available for viewing.
Double-click an entry, sit back and enjoy the game commentary by GM Azmaiparashivili.
There is no charge for this service – you can watch as many game commentaries
as you like.